Shopify Careers


About Shopify

Opportunity is not evenly distributed. Shopify puts independence within reach for anyone with a dream to start a business. We invite you to explore the many different Shopify careers located at the bottom of this page and join the Shopify team as they propel entrepreneurs and enterprises to scale the heights of their potential.

Since 2006, they have grown to ~8,000 employees and generated over $1 trillion in sales for millions of merchants in 175 countries. The ripple effect of this is far-reaching.

Over the years, Shopify has found that commerce can be a force for good, that entrepreneurs drive communities forward, and that small businesses are the backbone of economies. More than that, independent businesses enable incredible change. You vote with your dollars for the things—and changes—you want to see more of in the world.

This is life-defining work that directly impacts people’s lives as much as it transforms your own. This is putting the power of the few in the hands of the many, is a future with more voices rather than fewer, and is creating more choices instead of an elite option.

“We’re arming the rebels. Who wouldn’t want to be part of that?”

Latest Shopify Careers

To view a full list of Shopify careers, see below. Check back often as we are constantly updating this job list.


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